Friday, August 11, 2006

have you ever used a tape gun?

you know, for sealing boxes when you are moving on (wince)
its a wonder of modern invention
having been exposed to its wonder my life is changed
never again will i stick a multitude of tape strips to the counter changing moments ...hmm

i bet if i think about it real hard i can remember
my first pair of shoes (with scrunched up face)
[this is only the first time ill quote forrest, forrest gump (f,fg)]

well, they were not my first pair but by far more important

being brought up in a lower middle class family
we always had food (meatloaf) on the table
and powdered milk (yuck!!) in the fridge
my mom bought my sneakers at bi-way
for the 'low low k-mart price' of $1.99
growing up in oakville i schoolled with more 'haves' than 'have nots'
meaning most kids my age were wearing adida roms
...white leather - three navy blue stripes
not off white canvas with two measley bluish stripes
as were my bi-way specials
when i wasnt with my nerdy chums it seemed
the cool kids took notice of my feet
to myself i think "its not my fault 'we' cant afford all that stuff
but i sure as hell wish 'we' could"

God bless my mom and papa for keeping me fed and sheltered
and buying sneakers for my feet
some kids had less
like the j. brothers (they got made fun of for having b.o.)

[[today]] - i could give two shits if any prig or tough-guy
take exception to anything about me - my values ethics character
and least of all my wardrobe - im good now
as life is a process i will not possess this
bravadoic awareness (beer soaked or otherwise) for about another 20 years

its not like i could 'save-up my allowance' like the 'haves'
cuz i didnt get paid for my chores
thats how we earned our keep
if i wanted real sneakers then i had to get myself a real job
my paper route money was only enough to afford me
fries in the cafeteria at lunch and the odd movie
thank god i wasnt one of those 'cool' people
(cigarettes booze drugs and fast cars certainly are costly)

so i got me a real job (i believe i was 15)
at consumers distributing
official designation - stockpicker
which meant as long as i filled the orders in a timely fashion
i had free-roam of the warehouse
ask me sometime about the "reversable-ursula puzzle"
[ursula andress va va voom]

with my first pay cheque i bought my first pair of adida roms

no one welcomed me to the club
there was no jubilation
only a feeling of relief
no one said 'cool shoes bern'
(except my nerdy chums)
(and my mom asked me how much i paid)
most importantly longer did anyone stare at my feet

...were they ever really staring at my feet
i dont really know
maybe it was just my imagination
maybe "they" were my insecurities personified

regardless ...those shoes (that job) changed my life
i was becoming a man
there were no great revelations
no father-son fireside life chats
just a real nice feeling that just maybe ...i do fit in

bern shares


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