Wednesday, October 18, 2006

i can hear my sister (the geographically displaced one)
saying loud and clear
"thats crap - what about me"
"i may not be there but i am there"

and this may only be my guilty conscience i am hearing
but you never know
the ladies sure do have their voodoo stuff

my (our) sister is part of the 'wing beer and hockey' ritual
just as much as my bros and me
she unfortunately lives in al-friggin-berta
so the commute rarely 'lines up' with a leaf hockey game

M is my moms only daughter
[later when M was is her teens we were oft to hear mom say
"thats enough!!"
surely she meant she couldnt possibly take
the joy of any more daughters - i digress]

M is three years younger than my little brother
but somehow the math doesnt figger
cuz hes 43 and shes 37
(i reckon its more of that voodoo stuff)
[M thinks i digress too]

shortly after M was born we became peas and carrots

we have managed to maintain our kindredship
despite being separated by miles and miles for years and years

what my sister is to me
by bern

a soft blanket over my legs
a bandaid inside my head
a feeling of deja vu
and all together too far away

bern shares


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