Monday, November 09, 2009

our family moved to oakville in '67
and it was around that time that we acquired
dr schooling as our family doctor
i remember that nice man making a house call
when one of us had taken sick
orange flavoured aspirin had just been invented

dr schooling was my doctor for nigh on 40 years
that man helped me thru many rough spots
[odd that im not describing my father]
his assessment of the results of my behavior was objective
and he never made any personal judgements

he retired 2 years ago and since then ive been balking
on committing to someone new
let alone the fact that finding
a new family (me, mice elf and i) doctor
in these times is difficult to say the least
unless, of course, you know someone
which fortunately i am lucky in that i do

so here i am
a 50 year old man
who's had another man who is 20 years his elder
as his "parish priest" for the last 40 years
now dealing with a brand new family doctor
who is neither his elder
nor the same gender

how do ya like them apples

im very thankful to jiff and his lovely
for the opportunity to meet dr t
and was pleasantly surprised after kinda spilling
half my guts
that i was not judged

as i dont judge
lest ye not judge me ...tytyvm

i like the cut of her jib
and plan to spill the other half of guts the next time
without trying to sound like a hypocondriatic of course

apropos of nothing ive said
heres a picture of my kid going all redhead

as objective as a dad can be
this little petunia
is the belle of the ball
blonde, brunette or redhead

bern shares


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