Monday, November 19, 2007

so i'm watching poker on tv
no limit texas hold em ...what else?!

the final table of a WPT event
there is only 3 players left
and jennifer tillies ...i mean titties ...i mean tilly
is one of them and she has pocket aces
our jennifer bets out too much and scares off
the other two players

at that point the host phil gordon
(the guy from celebrity poker) says...

"looks like jennifer's getting no action
on her big pair"

having the nuts of pocket pairs
i'd be scared too
[my head is swinging with inuendo]
calling a spade a spade i agree with phil ioo%
while i'm at it i'd like to say jennifers ahh umm tilly
is a GREAT pair of actresses

"BOUND" being her tour de force
costarring gina gershon
gina being a gifted actress in her own right
and commands a certain je ne sais quoi ...grrrowl

what was i saying?

bern shares


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