Tuesday, December 26, 2006

love, actually

Sunday, December 24, 2006

did you hear something?
i thought i heard something

Friday, December 15, 2006

this week (15)
the roses are a single point behind
and hot-diggity-dog kb & mp are square in my sights
so i wasnt so cavalier with my picks
only 2 away and 3 underdogs
sure and steady wins the race
(torpedos, what torpedos?)

nonetheless for my plan to come to fruition
it is imperative that the vick and the denver cutlet come thru

oops...i mean
as long as the falcons and the broncos try their
best i'll be happy with the result

bern shares

Thursday, December 07, 2006

i just put in my picks for week 14

im never gonna win the 5 grand for the season
although there is $250 to be had each week
(jsyk - i dont know my shit from shinola)

as the roses are gaining on me i really should play it safe
but the $250 behooves me to embrace the torpedos
as i go full steam ahead - jackie

heres the run down:
i picked 10 away
and 8 underdogs (sans proton energy pills)
peyton to lose
the vick to win
brady on the road
eli to crumple
damn it favre do it baby
husselback even tho he's mp's
go bills go
is elway still playing
kb's romo can go buck himself
bears to hibernate
and i have "one million dollars" on the argos

oh well its only a game
[did i mention i love to cook]

bern shares

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

tennis anyone?

bern shares
if you dont have anything good to say
dont say anything

bern shares