Sunday, November 30, 2008

i've been in the biz for nigh on 30 years

my first gig was cook
for the very first kelsey's back in '79
i was 19 working with cool ass guys
10 years my elder and "women" that paid attention to me
...its no wonder i never "entered" the real world
30 years later
i'm the old guy
but the young chicks still think im cool a bern way

i am what i am
[as is my ash]


during my time in this biz
ive had occasion to brush up with pretenders
hot shot waiters
prime time bartenders
"look-at-my-tits" cocktailers
self-important delusional managers
and cooks that call themselves chefs

dont get me wrong
to survive we must be more than modest
and in fact some peeps that sit in my section depend on me
to make their dining experience more than usual

this i can readily do
[in my sleep]
but i rarely take their "experience" for granted
its kinda cool
after all these years
i still get a rush from making someone's day
freaky eh ....?

getting back to my point

there is a diner near my place
its my "im drunk and needa cheeseburg" spot
having already refered to all the peeps that think
they stand out in our biz
i would like to say to those pompous fucks
...drop by a diner
see how the real world lives

one man - running the whole show

anyhoo thats it
oh yeah - dont forget about global warming

bern shares

Thursday, November 27, 2008

christmas ...can be the most saddening time of the year

here's the bummer bout my aloneness
i aint got no chick to share with
i like to share mice elf and my minutia
i make do by talking to myself

moreover, i've no one to trim my tree (blush)

bern shares

heres a few tings (hommage to deniro)

* after 12 weeks im 29th and still in the running
* im spending christmas with my ash ...giddy-up
* have you ever ingested an entire
ball of wasabi by accident ...holy shit
dont do it
* im drinkingkingking an espresso martino
my esteemed friends the eye-talians
call them EXpresso martinis
regardless - bern says giddy-up
(hey ash - perhaps this should be the xmas eve cocktail)

did i mention xmas eve i'm bound for babbling brook
"elfing" with my peach and her plum
very excited
yes sir
very excited

bern shares