Friday, September 25, 2009

our 2nd annual camping "where eagles dare"
commences tomorrow (actually today) at 1100 hours

broadsword (me)
danny boy (lil bro paul)
father mc creedy (big bro frank)

[these are call signs from the best war movie ever
"where eagles dare" starring clint and richard burton]

and youngblood (my ash's paul)

this a reference to the obscure (if yer not canadian)
cult fav hockey movie starring
rob lowe and dearly departed
[guh-gung guh-gung ww ash] patrick swayze
as we ran out of eagles dare call signs

we are camping at a conservation park
out guelph way
albiet not as dangerous as mounting
a black ops mission against the impregnable schloss adler
we may encounter crazed chipmunks
or even get a sliver ...ouch

were going fishing on saturday
and just in case we are using live bait
im bringing latex gloves

and my BIG 5-OH
has been upgraded from impending to looming

bern shares

Thursday, September 17, 2009

for no particular reason
have you ever wanted to tell someone to fuck off?

as waiter-boy this happens to me
i start my shift completely unaware of my impending funk
then i realize
i'm looking thru jade coloured glasses

can i get you folks a drink or some wine perhaps?
blah blah blah
[oh, for fuck sakes, shut up!] (...456 ww ash)
no problem i'll be right back

as much as i try to defunk
every word uttered in my direction
grates my brain

AND this was gonna be a NON-drinking day

oh well
the sun'll come out tomorrow

and most likely
i'll like everyone

bern shares

Friday, September 11, 2009

just had a real nice pint with my buddy jiff

with each passing year
we settle into eachother
my friend is a good man
...and so am i
were acouplla schmoes trying to do our best

i'm glad he's my friend

bern shares
4th annual tentropolis with jiff - check
1st home for my ash 'n yo pauly - check
[holy shitballs - talk about a proud papa]
4th pea back in ontariariario - check
25th bday for my little peach - check

2nd annual camping "where eagles dare"
and the big 5-oh
are still pending

being with my family and friend
[glaring nonplural alert][wince smirk]
does hermit berns heart well

i neglected to mention 1 fall fascination


my reign of terror was unceremoniously dispatched
last playoffs by the steelers
[this year i shall not under estimate
the power of the "terrible towel"]
previous to that:
tied for 12th (outa 254) for the '08 season
and #1 (numero uno) for the '07 season playoffs

berns off to a good start this year
as the aforementioned steelers
put one thru the uprights in OT for the dub-ya
over their rival titans
[stomp on this fuckers]

the game is afoot

let the cursing and triumphant YESes begin

anyhoo (#2)
back to my ash
its a no-brainer being proud of yer kid for such things as:
1st smile
1st words..."ohhh, father" (by my recollection)

1st time she falls thru a chair and breaks her collar bone
1st day in kindergarden

but being proud of yer kid for making adult choices
and living her own life
is 10 TIMES (ww ash) more rewarding

furthermore, watching my ash be in love with her paul
is a dream come true
and something i cant even begin to articulate

in summary

yeah ash 'n paul
camping ...good
peas in pod ...good
the big 5-oh eh
im jumpin back on the favre wagon ...GO VIKINGS

and thats all i have to say about that [and this]

bern shares